IBPS CWE Exam e-Receipt Not Downloaded ?

For the past few days we have received more than thousands of comments at our sites about the e-Receipt of IBPS CWE written exam for PO/MT. After seeing the problem of so many candidates, we have decided to provide some guidelines about e-receipt of CWE , so that it can boost the morale of many of depressed candidates who are in dilemma whether they would be allowed to give the exam or not ? Due to this their concentration on studies are affected.

Being a responsible body IBPS must provide the link to download e-Receipt with admit card to their site. If they can’t they must provide atleast two lines about this problem at their website. A clear instruction.

We will try to reach the voice of these troubled candidates to IBPS through whatever the mean provided like e-mail, Phone Call etc. If they provide any such guidelines , we will let you know.

Rajmanglam.com has provided the some suggestion about the IBPS e-Receipt with images at their site for CWE exam. meanwhile You may refer for some suggestion about the CWE exam.

  1. sir, i hv lost my payment receipt…..my payment mode is offline……..wt can i do now………….plz reply i m really very very tensed

  2. Sir, I have received my call letter and e receipt, but in the e receipt my signature is not proper, what should i do know, plz help me, will they allow me to write the exam?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. Sir I have filled the form for CWE to be held on 27-11-11 on 9-09-11…..but I have not got any registration no, password,neither any response in my email.id or mobile no……so plz help me to come out from this situation………

  4. Downloading the e-receipt for CWE-2011 seemed to be a huge issue as no way out is being uploaded on IBPS website. Pls confirm if anyone knows the same.

  5. sir tell me how can i download e-receipt

  6. its now available on ibps site….u can download ur e reciept….

  7. SirI dont have my e-receipt, .Would there be any problem to give the exam without the e receipt.Even the helpline number of IBPS is not working.Please hepl me out.I am really tensed.

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