IBPS CWE Exam e-Receipt Not Downloaded ?

For the past few days we have received more than thousands of comments at our sites about the e-Receipt of IBPS CWE written exam for PO/MT. After seeing the problem of so many candidates, we have decided to provide some guidelines about e-receipt of CWE , so that it can boost the morale of many of depressed candidates who are in dilemma whether they would be allowed to give the exam or not ? Due to this their concentration on studies are affected.

Being a responsible body IBPS must provide the link to download e-Receipt with admit card to their site. If they can’t they must provide atleast two lines about this problem at their website. A clear instruction.

We will try to reach the voice of these troubled candidates to IBPS through whatever the mean provided like e-mail, Phone Call etc. If they provide any such guidelines , we will let you know.

Rajmanglam.com has provided the some suggestion about the IBPS e-Receipt with images at their site for CWE exam. meanwhile You may refer for some suggestion about the CWE exam.

  1. Sir,
    I have applied for IBPS Clerk exam which will be held on 27th of this month, I have downloaded my call letter but I have lost my challan,which i have paid offline.Shall I attempt the exam with out challan.

  2. sir,

    i have lost my payment receipt……….my payment mode is offline.i am very tensed..so pls help me what can i do? can i go for exam…

  3. SirI dont have a massage in my email so i can not access my e-receipt, as my mobile crashed down.Would there be any problem to give the exam without the e receipt.Even the helpline number of IBPS is not working.Please hepl me out.I am really tensed. my exam on 27 th november plz send my password on my email or mobile.

  4. sir,

    help me

    i applied to ibps through a institute,they fill the form but cant save registration no and password.

    more over still today i havent recive any sms or mail.i am haveing my challan.

    plz help me what to do.



  5. sir,
    help me
    i applied to ibps through a institute,they fill the form but cant save registration no and password.
    more over still today i havent recive any sms or mail.i am haveing my challan.
    plz help me what to do.

  6. kindly send ERECIPT Sir/MademWe already we made the payment through online olny with ICICI Bank.so, kindly have check on this and please get back to us, with E-ReceiptSir/Madem, without E-Receipt centre will not allow to write exam. please, kindly do something on this, or else please let me know the second option

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